Which grades of piles, Laser treatment is effective?

Is Laser piles surgery always right for you?

Get the following facts checked before asking for Laser Piles Treatment with a Proctologist or General Surgeon.

Laser Piles Surgery, a cutting-edge approach in the realm of medical treatment for hemorrhoids, boasts several compelling advantages. However, before we delve into these benefits, let’s ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of this procedure.

When is Laser Piles Surgery Recommended?

Laser Piles Surgery is ideally suited for cases of Bleeding Grade I Piles and early Grade II Piles, particularly when conservative treatments have proven ineffective. However, it’s essential to emphasize that not all hemorrhoid cases necessitate laser piles surgery. There are various effective techniques available to treat Piles.

Skilled Surgeon will choose the right treatment based upon the patient’s condition and which is suitable.

The decision should be reached in consultation with a skilled Surgeon or Proctologist.

laser piles surgery in Mumbai, pros and cons of laser piles surgery

Disadvantages of Laser Piles Surgery

While the advantages of Laser Piles Surgery are substantial, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential drawbacks:

Equipment Costs: Laser Piles Surgery requires state-of-the-art equipment, which may not be readily available in all medical facilities. This can limit access to the procedure and result in higher costs for patients.

Surgeon’s Expertise: Only surgeons with substantial training and experience should perform Laser Piles Surgery.

Laser Fiber Beam Availability: The availability of laser fiber can be limited, necessitating the presence of spare laser fiber during surgery to avoid interruptions.

Uncontrolled Bleeding: Although exceedingly rare, laser surgery can, on occasion, lead to uncontrolled bleeding, potentially affecting healthy tissues and causing significant harm.

Fibrosis Risk: The use of laser beams in this surgery can result in tissue fibrosis, potentially leading to tissue fissures in the future. This is considered a secondary complication of Laser Piles Surgery.

Anaesthesia Challenges: There may be a reduction in the effectiveness of anesthesia during the surgical procedure, potentially resulting in complications upon the patient’s awakening.

Advantages of Laser Piles Surgery:

Let’s dwell into Advantages of Laser Piles Surgery but you have to check facts before asking for Laser Surgery:

Alleviates Post-Operative Pain

One of the major concerns for individuals considering hemorrhoid surgery is post-operative pain. Laser Piles Surgery offers significant relief in this regard. But as per already explained the fact above, it cannot be used for EVERY GRADE OF PILES.

Bleeding Control

Hemorrhoid surgery often carries the risk of bleeding. In Laser Piles Surgery, the laser not only excises tissue but also seals blood vessels as it operates. This dual action significantly reduces bleeding both during and after the procedure.

Swift Recovery

Thanks to its minimally invasive nature, patients who undergo Laser Piles Surgery typically experience a swifter recovery period. This translates to less downtime and a quicker return to your regular daily activities.

Lower Infection Risk

Laser Piles Surgery minimizes the risk of infection. The laser’s precision and its ability to sterilize tissue as it works contribute to a safer surgical environment, especially in the sensitive rectal region.

Quick Discharge:

The discharge option is also quick like the rapid treatment. Laser Piles Surgery is non-invasive. As such, there is no need for overnight stays. Patients can leave the very same day post-surgery.

Fewer Follow-ups:

The follow-up visits post-laser surgery are fewer.

When to Approach a Proctologist or General Surgeon

It’s vital to recognize when to seek the expertise of a proctologist or a general surgeon in addressing hemorrhoidal concerns. Generally, you should consider consulting these specialists in the following scenarios:

Persistent Symptoms: If you’ve been experiencing recurring symptoms such as rectal bleeding, discomfort, it’s advisable to consult a proctologist or general surgeon. These symptoms may indicate an underlying issue that requires evaluation.

Severe Pain or Bleeding: When hemorrhoids lead to intense pain or heavy bleeding, it’s a clear sign that professional medical intervention is needed. Prompt attention can prevent complications and alleviate discomfort.

No Improvement with Conservative Methods: If you’ve diligently tried conservative treatments, such as dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and over-the-counter medications, but your symptoms persist or worsen, it’s time to consult a Proctologist or Gastrointestinal Surgeon. They can assess your condition and recommend the most suitable treatment, which may include Laser Piles Surgery when indicated.

Prevention and Conservative Methods to Avoid Piles

Preventing hemorrhoids or managing early-stage symptoms is essential to avoid the need for surgical intervention.

Prevention and Conservative Methods to Avoid Piles

Preventing hemorrhoids or managing early-stage symptoms is essential to avoid the need for surgical intervention.

Here are some prevention and conservative methods:

Dietary Fibre: Maintain a high-fibre diet to ensure regular, soft bowel movements. Adequate fibre intake reduces the strain on the rectal area and minimizes the risk of hemorrhoids.

Stay Hydrated: Stay well-hydrated to keep stools soft and easy to pass, reducing the chances of constipation and straining during bowel movements. It includes seasonal fruits, salads, etc.

Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity to promote healthy digestion and improve blood circulation. Exercise also helps manage weight, a factor linked to hemorrhoid development.

Maintain Good Habits: Avoid straining during bowel movements. If you feel the need to strain, consider increasing your fibre and water intake or food that contains lot of water such as Seasonal fruits or Salads.

Avoid Prolonged Sitting: Sitting for extended periods can exert pressure on the rectal area. Take breaks, stand, and move around to alleviate this pressure.

Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter creams or ointments can provide relief from discomfort and itching associated with hemorrhoids. Consult a healthcare professional before using any medication.

Regular Check-Ups: Periodic check-ups with a proctologist or general surgeon can help detect and address hemorrhoids in their early stages, preventing the need for more invasive treatments like surgery.

Also read: Preventive measures for Piles


In summary, Laser Piles Surgery offers several advantages, reduced post-operative pain, minimal bleeding, quick recovery, lower infection risk, etc. It is most suitable for Bleeding Grade I Piles and early Grade II Piles when conservative treatments have failed. However, it’s essential to be aware of potential disadvantages, such as equipment costs, surgeon expertise, laser fibre availability, rare complications like uncontrolled bleeding and fibrosis, and anaesthesia challenges.

Knowing when to approach a proctologist or general surgeon is crucial, especially when symptoms persist or worsen. Early intervention can prevent complications and improve your quality of life. Additionally, adopting preventive measures and conservative methods like a high-fibre diet, hydration, exercise, and good toilet habits can help avoid hemorrhoids or manage early-stage symptoms effectively.

Ultimately, your health and well-being are paramount. Consult with a skilled Proctologist or General Surgeon to make an informed decision regarding the most appropriate treatment for your specific condition, whether it be Laser Piles Surgery or other available options.