How to Reduce Risk of Developing a Hernia

How to reduce risk of developing Hernia discussed by Renowned Laparoscopic Hernia Surgeon in Goregaon Mumbai

Hernias can be painful and, in some cases, require urgent surgery if severe complications emerge. So, taking suitable precautions to safeguard one’s body against developing hernias seems sensible indeed.

In this blog, we will share top recommendations on diet, fitness and preventing actions clinically proven to reduce hernia risks substantially over time.

A woman having pain due to Hernia, tips on how to reduce risk of developing Hernia

Understanding Hernias

Before going into prevention tips, let’s first understand what hernias actually are.

Quite simply, a hernia refers to an abnormal opening or tear in a muscle tissue wall typically surrounding internal organs. This causes the organ/tissue to push through creating an unusual bulge under the skin surface.

Common Types of Hernias:

The most frequent hernia cases treated include:

  1. Inguinal: Inner groin region tear near the intestine/bladder
  2. Hiatal: Upper stomach piercing through diaphragm muscle
  3. Incisional: Through prior abdominal surgical scar
  4. Umbilical: Belly button/abdominal protrusion
  5. Femoral: Upper thigh gap near the groin.

Read the following blog post Hernia Types in detail:

Hernias themselves are not always problematic if the bulge remains small and doesn’t expand. But surgery becomes essential if it grows larger over time or shows complications like:

  1. Severe pain
  2. Bowel obstructions
  3. Strangulated blood flow

What Factors Can Cause Hernias?

There’s rarely one specific cause for hernia development. But these elements significantly increase risks:

  1. Family history of hernias
  2. Pregnancy – from the abdominal pressure
  3. Being overweight exerting extra tension
  4. Muscle weakness from aging or overexertion
  5. Intense coughing adding pressure
  6. Prior abdominal/groin injury
  7. Health issues like constipation/COPD

If you face multiple or severe risk factors, consulting an experienced Senior Hernia surgeon in Goregaon becomes even more vital for early diagnosis and treating potential tissue tears before complications worsen.

5 Tips to Reduce Your Hernia Risks:

While heredity and health conditions cannot be controlled fully, focusing on basic lifestyle precautions goes a long way towards prevention:

1. Maintain Healthy Body Weight

Extra abdominal weight from fat is the key factor that strains tissue integrity. Follow a clean nutrition plan focusing on quality proteins, antioxidants and unsaturated fats to support lean muscle growth rather than excess weight gain. Regular exercise helps immensely as well.

2. Strengthen Your Core and Pelvic Muscles

Weak connective tissues are more prone to gaps and tears. Dedicate 15-20 minutes daily towards targeted strength training concentrating on core abdomen, thigh and groin muscle groups. Pilates and yoga also improve flexibility here.

3. Improve Bowel Movement Regularity

Constipation adds internal straining pressure while repeated diarrhea can weaken gut linings – both contributing to hernias eventually. Improve digestive health with fiber-rich diet and hydration to encourage regular, non-forced bowel movements.

4. Avoid Smoking and Very Heavy Lifting

The chronic coughing motion from smoking weakens connective tissues. Similarly, improperly executed heavy weight lifting stresses areas like groins and abdomen tremendously. Modify activities wisely and lift correctly always utilizing belts for extra support when needed.

5. Address Persistent Cough or Health Issues

Seek expert treatment for chronic coughs from illness or other respiratory conditions like COPD irritating lung airways. Similarly, manage related problems like enlarged prostate, urinary dysfunction, constipation through medications or surgical correction before pressure strains weaken surrounding region integrity.

6.Quit Smoking

Smoking is linked to a higher risk of developing hernias. The coughing associated with smoking can strain abdominal muscles, potentially leading to hernia formation. Quitting smoking not only benefits your overall health but also contributes to hernia prevention.

7. Maintain Good Posture

Proper posture is essential for preventing hernias, especially in activities that involve prolonged sitting or standing. Whether at your desk or on your feet, pay attention to your posture to reduce unnecessary strain on your abdominal muscles.

8. Stay Hydrated

Adequate hydration supports the elasticity of connective tissues, reducing the risk of muscle strain and hernia development. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day to maintain optimal tissue health.

When to Seek Medical Care?

Carefully monitor for any visible bulges arising around common hernia-prone areas, especially the groin, abdomen or past surgical scars. Familiarize yourself with the typical hernia symptoms as well.

Consult Surgeon promptly if you notice:

  1. Recent growing soft swellings under skin surface
  2. Aching, sharp pains, burning sensations around bulge
  3. Feeling of heaviness or dragging sensation
  4. Firm lumps getting bigger with coughing/movement
  5. Redness on overlying skin

Surgical repair becomes vital if hernias expand rapidly, cause severe discomfort or show emergent complications.


Implementing strategic fitness and lifestyle changes greatly minimizes the risks of developing hernias – often by up to 50%! Still, genetic factors mean tissue weakness can occasionally occur despite one’s best efforts at prevention.

Stay alert to any unusual protrusions and don’t ignore worsening pain or new bulges. Catching cases early on gives the best odds for minimally invasive surgical repair with quick recovery in just 1-2 weeks.